Confocal Raman and PL System

Features and Specifications
- Horiba Jobin Yvon T64000 open-frame confocal microscope with triple monochromator and LN2 cooled CCD array detector
- Objectives: 10X, 50X, 50X ultra long working distance, 100X
- Reflected light (spectroscopy) and Kohler illumination
- Ultimate pixel resolution on sample @ 100X is ~300 nm
- Stage scanning (150mm x 150mm)
- Galvano-mirror DuoScan fast beam scanning
- Objective turret attachment for spectroscopy of liquid samples in a cuvette
Monochromator(640 mm focal length)
- Single mode (150 & 1800 groove/mm gratings) for 360-950 nm
- Ultra-high spectral resolution using triple additive /subtractive modes
- LN2 cooled CCD array detector (1024 x 256 pixels)
- Auxiliary photomultiplier and avalanche photodiode detectors
Spectroscopy capabilities
- Point scans and spatially correlated spectroscopic imaging
- Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopy
- Raman pump line available @ 488 nm (457, 514, 532, 568, 647 nm coming soon)
- Simultaneous Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman
- Triple mono mode: within 5 cm-1 of Rayleigh line
- Time resolved PL spectroscopy (coming soon)
Excitation Sources
- Mixed gas Ar/Kr ion laser @ 488 nm (457, 476, 488, 514, 527, 568, 647 nm coming soon)
Additional features (coming soon)
- Doubled Nd:YAG excitation source @ 532 nm
- Laser diode excitiation source @ 405 nm
- Mira Ti:sapphire oscillator: ~ 150 fs@ 76 MHz, 700-975 nm tunable with doubler
- Liquid helium flow cryostat with xyz piezoscanner and IV testing
- Linkham environmental hot stage, RT to 1200 °C
- Bring your own custom experimental stage
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