Building Operations
The California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) is responsible for the management of the activities within Elings Hall. The CNSI Building Manager serves as the central point of contact for building access, safety and security, and space management or development. Managing the concurrent engineering, science and media arts-based research needs for infrastructure, facility resources and security is essential to the mission of CNSI.
Access & Security
The CNSI building is open to the campus community and visiting public from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday. Access for official business outside of these times, or to specific laboratories anytime, is controlled through the Building Manager and requires prior access approval. Students and staff should initiate the process through their adviser and supervisor, respectively. Visitors may contact CNSI directly.
Building Maintenance
Maintenance of building systems is a shared responsibility between the campus Operations & Maintenance group and the CNSI Building Manager. The Building Manager is the point of contact to all users and occupants of the CNSI regarding maintenance issues. Users may not arrange maintenance work with the O&M group without prior approval of the Building Manager.
Maintenance items include all matters related to custodial services, environmental controls and equipment, safety and security systems, grounds keeping, lab resources/utilities, and any other building system.
Design & Construction
The dynamic and versatile nature of the CNSI mission requires a flexible infrastructure. From time to time modifications of every complexity may be necessary to accommodate research activities. All requests for modifications should be submitted to the Building Manager for review and approval. Each request will be evaluated with respect to the capabilities of the building, impact on other users and instrumentation in the building, and the degree to which changes complement the overall mission of the CNSI.
Policy & Space
The California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) is responsible for the management of the space allocated within Elings Hall and for coordinating with campus stakeholders in the institute and the building. The Building Manager is the point of contact of the CNSI regarding any requests for office or laboratory space.
Building / Lab Access
Must be on campus or VPN to access