
Paul Atzberger


South Hall
Research in scientific computation, machine learning, statistical mechanics, soft materials, biophysics.

Shaimaa Azzam

2020 Elings Fellow

Elings Fellow, Moody group.

Daniel Barrington

ExFAB BioFoundry
Administrative and Program Coordinator

3229 Elings Hall
Program and Administrative support for the ExFAB BioFoundry at UC Santa Barbara.

Chris Bates

Assistant Professor

1518 Engineering II
We are interested in the design, synthesis, characterization, and application of new soft materials.

Alana Beal Turk

Strategic Programs Coordinator

3448 Elings Hall
Develops and supports strategic programming and projects related to workforce development, innovation, and entrepreneur initiatives.

Philip Becker

Building Manager

3233 Elings Hall
Point of contact to all users and occupants of Elings Hall regarding Building Operations and Services.

Marissa Beyer

BioPACIFIC MIP Lab Assistant

3209 Elings Hall
Supporting researchers in the BioPACIFIC MIP labs.

Irene Beyerlein


2339 Engineering II
Multiscale modeling of mechanisms and microstructure/property relations in high performance alloys, hcp metals, and nanostructured materials.

Jewels Bolden

Purchasing Coordinator

3448 Elings Hall
Purchasing, Shipping, Receiving

David Bothman

Development Engineer

3227 Elings Hall
Designing and building scientific instruments; helping researchers and students working in the Microfluidics Laboratory and Innovation Workshop; mentoring students.

John Bowers

Distinguished Professor

2221C ESB
Quantum dot lasers, silicon photonics, optoelectronics, and the development of novel low power optoelectronic devices for the next generation of optical networks.
Our group studies organic and organic-inorganic hybrid semiconducting materials for flexible electronics.
Analysis and design of catalytic processes that promote sustainable chemical production and conversion.

Raphaele Clement

Assistant Professor

3009 MRL
Our research endeavors to elucidate the structure-property relationships in electrochemical materials used, for instance, in rechargeable batteries.
Research at the intersection of experimental mechanics, materials science, and machine learning.

Steven DenBaars


Engineering II 3514
Research interests include growth of wide-bandgap (GaN based) semiconductors and their application to blue LEDs as well as laser and high power electronic devices. This research has led to the first U.S. University demonstration of a blue GaN laser diode.

Siddharth Dey

Assistant Professor

3008 BioE
We develop novel single-cell sequencing technologies to understand mammalian tissue development in space and time.

Brian Dincau

Lab Manager
Microfluidics Laboratory and Innovation Workshop

3217 Elings Hall
Facilitating researchers working in the Microfluidics Laboratory and Innovation Workshop; manager for the Microfluidics Laboratory and Innovation Workshop.

Julie Dunson

Manager, Business Administration

3243 Elings Hall
Management of CNSI’s Financial Organization.

Erika Eliason

Assistant Professor

2306 MSRB
The Eliason Lab examines how climate change constrains the performance and persistence of marine animals.

Talia Evans

2023 Climate Innovation Fellow

Climate Innovation Fellow, Raven group.

Glenn Fredrickson

Distinguished Professor

3105 MRL
The Fredrickson group has pioneered the development of field-theoretic simulations and pursued applications of the technique to understand complex classical polymer and quantum many-boson systems.

Frederic Gibou


EII, 2335
Advanced computational science and engineering

Christopher Gloo

Financial Analyst

3448 Elings Hall

Mengyang Gu

Assistant Professor

5511 South Hall
Developing statistical learning algorithms to emulate expensive physical simulations, quantify uncertainty in imaging and microscopic videos, optimize inverse material design and characterization.

Anela Guevarra

Marketing and Outreach Assistant




Paul Hansma


2411 Broida
Our novel Biofeedback devices are beginning to help people recover from chronic pain due to neuroplasticity.

Craig Hawker

Distinguished Professor
Co-Director, CNSI

3005 MRL
Developing advanced polymerization methods for new applications by combining traditional organic and polymer chemistry.

Elliot Hawkes

Assistant Professor

EII 2332
We work at the intersection of design, mechanics, and materials. We develop innovative design concepts and apply non-traditional materials to solve challenging problems in robotics, medicine, and biomechanics.
Bottom-up Assembly of Nanomaterials.

Kenneth Ho

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in the Innovation Workshop.

Jianyu (Jerry) Hou


Developing a mobile app for an existing web-based application to facilitate data collection and storage, as well as building repositories for chemical knowledge.

Maggie Hua

Biological Nanostructures Laboratory Assistant

General laboratory upkeep for the Biological Nanostructures Lab.

Logan Hughes

BioPACIFIC MIP Lab Assistant

3209 Elings Hall
Supporting researchers in the BioPACIFIC MIP labs.  

Flynn Irvine

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in the Innovation Workshop.

Skirmantas Janusonis

Associate Professor

2827 Psychology East
Cellular and computational neuroscience; Stochastic axon systems.

Aidan Keough

Quantum Structures Facility Assistant

General laboratory assistance and maintenance for the Quantum Structure Facility.
Integrated photonics; silicon photonics; optical communications; nanophotonics; microwave photonics; compound semiconductors; photonic integration techniques; and electronic-photonic integration.

Debbie Kleinpeter

BioPACIFIC MIP Administrative Coordinator

3239 Elings Hall
Administrative support for the BioPACIFIC MIP at UC Santa Barbara.

Kenneth Kosik

Harriman Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience

The Kosik lab intends to create an intellectual setting conducive to the exploration of fundamental biological processes, particularly those related to the brain and its evolution.

Sriram Krishnamoorthy

Assistant Professor

We explore and engineer next-generation (ultra)wide band gap semiconductors such as Gallium Oxide. Our efforts span epitaxial growth, electronic transport, design/modeling, micro/nano fabrication, and characterization of electronic/optoelectronic devices for applications such as power electronics, high frequency electronics and ultra-violet optoelectronics.

JoAnn Kuchera-Morin

Distinguished Professor
Director - AlloSphere Research Facility

2209 Elings Hall
We create software systems to turn slow exploration of complex datasets into real-time interactive workflows.

Colin Kwok

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in Innovation Workshop.

Kelsey Leonard Moore

Quantum Foundry Administrative Coordinator

3448 Elings Hall
Administrative support for the NSF Quantum Foundry at UC Santa Barbara.

Bolin Liao

Assistant Professor

3231E ESB
We develop ultrafast electron microscopy to image nanoscale energy transport. This knowledge can lead to better renewable energy systems.

Rachel Lin

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in the Innovation Workshop.

Jennifer Liyanage

Student Assistant

Assistant to the CNSI Administrative Team.

Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz

Assistant Professor

We strive to formulate models for otherwise intractable problems, at the intersection of fluids and other disciplines.

Tal Margalith

Executive Director of Scientific Initiatives and Innovation

3235 Elings Hall
Oversight of CNSI's innovation initiatives and resources - shared facilities, technology translation and startup incubation, Challenge Grants, and industry partnerships.

Susan Mazer

Professor of Ecology and Evolution

The Mazer lab aims to detect the mechanisms by which plants adapt to ecological risks and opportunities, and to explore the genetic constraints that may limit the rate or degree of adaptation.

Sherylle Mills Englander

Executive Director for Strategic Initiatives and Operations

3248 Elings Hall
Ideation, management, and execution of CNSI’s strategic initiatives and center level projects, with an emphasis on I&E.

Galan Moody

Assistant Professor

3003 Henley Hall
Professor Moody’s research group develops integrated quantum photonic technologies for computing, communications, and metrology.

Alexander Moriarty


General laboratory upkeep, data collection and extraction, and assistance in running samples in X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory.

Daniel Morse

Distinguished Research Professor

Discovery of biophysical & genetic surrogates for phosphorylation controlling amyloid formation, protein assembly, structure & function.

Arnab Mukherjee

Assistant Professor

3349 Engineering II
We look for biomolecules with unusual physical and chemical properties and retool these to develop MRI tools for exploring biological functions from neuroscience to infection imaging.
Research interests are doping and transport in organic semiconductors, materials characterization, bioelectronics, and device physics

Michelle O'Malley


3353 Engineering II
Genetic engineering and synthetic biology of non-model microorganisms.

Elaina Pace

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in Innovation Workshop

Hyunggon Park

2023 Climate Innovation Fellow

Climate Innovation Fellow, Zhu group.

Julie Peterson

2020 Elings Fellow

Elings Fellow, Read de Alaniz group.

Linda Petzold

Distinguished Professor

Professor Petzold's current research focuses on computational methods, mathematical modeling and machine learning, with application to a wide range of problems from systems biology, neuroscience, medicine and engineering.

Angela Pitenis

Assistant Professor

3019 MRL
Soft, biological, and bio-inspired materials and interfaces.

Javier Read de Alaniz


1631-D PSBN
The goal of our research is to develop robust and efficient synthetic approaches for applications in functional materials.

Laura Reynolds

Contracts and Grants Analyst

3241 Elings Hall

Jimena Ruiz-Gonzalez

Student Assistant

Assistant to the CNSI Financial Team.

Rachel Schoeppner

Lab Manager
Quantum Structures Facility and Confocal Microscope and Spectroscopy Facility

3227 Elings Hall
Facilitating researchers working in the Quantum Structures and Confocal Microscope and Spectroscopy Facilities; manager for the Quantum Structures and Confocal Microscope and Spectroscopy Facilities.

Jon Schuller

Associate Professor

3221C ESB
We study subwavelength light-matter interactions to better understand and exploit nanoscale optical properties.

Rachel Segalman

Edward N. Kramer Professor
Dept Chair of Chemical Engineering

3353A Engineering II
Bioinspired polymer synthesis and self-assembly to control properties.

Lillybelle Selzer


Visual and programmatic design of data management systems and analytical libraries at BioPACIFIC MIP.

Ram Seshadri


3008 MRL
Work in the Seshadri lab broadly addresses the topic of structure–composition–property relations in crystalline inorganic and hybrid materials, with a focus on magnetic materials and materials for energy conversion and storage.

Jennifer Smith

Project Scientist
Lab Manager
Biological Nanostructures Laboratory

3217 Elings Hall
Assists researchers using instrumentation in the Biological Nanostructures Laboratory in research areas from biology to engineering.

Lauren Smith

2023 Climate Innovation Fellow

Climate Innovation Fellow, Froehlich group.
Our lab focuses on quantum materials, in particular, thin films and heterostructures of correlated oxides and topological materials.

Ryan Stowers

Assistant Professor

3112 BioE
Engineering biomaterials for mechanobiology.

Dmitri Strukov


5153 Harold Frank Hall
Dmitri’s research broadly concerns different aspects of computation, in particular addressing questions on how to efficiently perform computation on various levels of abstraction.

Guillermo Terrén Serrano

2023 Climate Innovation Fellow

Climate Innovation Fellow, Deshmukh group.

Alexis Torres

Personnel and Financial Analyst

3237 Elings Hall
Administration of all personnel and payroll related activities.

Leoni Tu

Student Assistant

Assistant to the CNSI Financial Team.

Melecia Valdez

Financial Analyst

3241 Elings Hall
Financial Analyst

Megan Valentine

Co-Director, CNSI

Mechanics of cells and tissues; design of bio-inspired materials with applications to packaging, healthcare and robotics; instrument development.
Van de Walle develops and employs first-principles computational techniques to model structure and behavior of materials.

Yon Visell

Associate Professor

Elings 2213
Research on haptic science and engineering, soft robotics, and additive manufacturing.

Vojtech Vlcek

Assistant Professor

4138A Chem
Dr. Vlcek's research enables an accurate quantum description of realistic nanoscale systems.

Nicholas Watkins

2023 Elings Fellow

Elings Fellow, Sepunaru group

Paul Weakliem

CNSI Computing Support
Co-Director, Center for Scientific Computing

3231 Elings Hall
Co-manages the CSC HPC systems; assists researchers in using computation and HPC in furthering their research; provides technical support at CNSI.

Jason Wei

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in the Innovation Workshop.

David Weld

Associate Professor

4119 Broida
Quantum dynamics with ultracold atoms.

Lizzy Wilbanks

Assistant Professor

My research is driven by the hunt for the elusive interactions of wild microbes and seeks to understand the structure and activity of natural bacterial and archaeal populations

Cristina Wilson

Manager, Research Administration

3245 Elings Hall
Contracts and Grants Administration and Oversight.

Max Wilson

Assistant Professor

We use photo-switchable proteins to precisely control how information flows through biological networks to understand how cells make decisions.

Stephen Wilson

Director, NSF Quantum Foundry

3215 Elings Hall
Synthesis and advanced characterization of new quantum materials.

Remy Wong

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in the Innovation Workshop.

Janis Yankauskas

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in the Innovation Workshop.

Grace Zhang

Workshop Wizard

Facilitating researchers working in Innovation Workshop

Fangzhou Zhao

2021 Elings Fellow

Elings Fellow, Van de Walle group.

Yangying Zhu

Assistant Professor

2231D ESB
Micro and nanoscale thermo-fluid engineering for sustainable energy and electronics.

Arava Zohar

2021 Elings Fellow

Elings Fellow, Seshadri Group