Technical Support

Technical and computer support services for CNSI staff, faculty and researchers in Elings Hall.

Desktop Support

CNSI provides limited desktop support for researchers in Elings Hall, or we can work with your home unit's support staff to help fix problems. This work can be done on a recharge basis.

IT Computer Support Staff Services:

  • Current Rate: 138.65
  • July 1, 2024 Rate: 217.90




Email accounts are available to CNSI affiliated groups and researchers. Email addresses are available either as a main email account, or forwarded address.


Elings Hall occupants can either connect back to another department's network, or directly to the CNSI network. If you have an office in Elings Hall, you can get an Internet connection for your laptop or desktop system. There is also campus wireless, so you can connect via wireless using your UCSBNetID. For a wired connection, see the information below and then see Paul Weakliem (room 3231). Also note the numbers on the wall plate you want to hook up to (e.g. 1.2.045/orange), or take a photo of it.

 Note: If you hook a computer up to the network (whether a typical desktop/laptop computer, or one controlling an instrument) you are responsible for being familiar, and complying with, the appropriate policies (see related links).

This Includes (among other things)

  • Physically securing the computer (we recommend a cable lock in the lab, plus a password required screensaver, and keeping lab door closed and locked)
  • Informing Paul Weakliem if there is any sensitive data (e.g. Soc. Sec. numbers, personally identifiable data, etc.)
  • Running antivirus software on the system.
  • Backups of the system, and research data.
  • Disable any unnecessary services that may be running.
  • Enabling automatic security updates.
Office Printing

Printing is available in a number of labs and offices, and there are a handful of public printers in the building. Instructions are below (you can only access from on campus, both the instructions, and the printers).

Setting up a printer for new Elings Hall occupants, using Windows PC or for Mac users

 COVID Update: Changes to printing setup which happened during the closure - if you can't print now that you're back (e.g. printers show as offline), follow the directions here.

Poster Printing

A Hewlett Packard 42" large format poster printer is available to create posters for conferences, meetings and other research projects.


The poster printer is located in room 3204 Elings Hall and is open 8-5 Monday through Friday and 24 hour access is allowed for CNSI researchers. If you require access to the printer room outside of normal business hours, please submit an amended Elings Hall Access Form.

Print Set Up

  • The printer can print to 42" wide, but generally there is 36" paper in use, thus most people chose a 4'x3' or 5'x3' poster.
  • Create the poster in a suitable program (Illustrator, PowerPoint) at the correct size, e.g. 36"x48" - scaling it is what usually causes problems. You can also bring it over as a PDF file.
  • Leave about a 1/8" margin around the edge as the printer doesn't print all the way to the edge of the paper.
  • If you insert images, try to make them as high resolution as possible. For example, a jpeg off the web that is then blown up on a 4' poster will look very grainy.
  • Put your poster on a CD or flash drive; we have computers here hooked up to the printer.

Poster rates:  Photo paper: $11.20/linear foot   Fabric:  $14.25/linear foot.

July 1, 2024 New Rates: Photo paper: $11.40/linear foot   Fabric:  $14.50/linear foot.

Video Conferencing

The CNSI Conference and Seminar rooms are all equipped with Zoom-Room capabilities for remote or hybrid events. 

CNSI also has a Polycom HDX-8000 High Definition Videoconference system available to members. This system provides high quality images of both the participants and the computer presentations they are broadcasting on two 55" monitors. It is compatible with most other H323 videoconference systems, and even to PC's loaded with Polycom's PVX software. 

 Note: Use by non-CNSI members can be arranged on an as available basis.