SEKI Diamond CVD (New)

SEKI Diamond CVD (New)
The SEKI microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system is used for growing high-quality homoepitaxial diamond thin films for research in quantum defect engineering. Typical processes in this system harness slow growth rates via low plasma power and gas flow rates to enable the creation of a pristine diamond lattice free from impurities and surface defects. Hydrogen and nitrogen plasmas may also be formed in the CVD chamber for the purpose of terminating the diamond surface.
Isotopic engineering: isotopically purified methane (99.999% 12CH4) allows for the elimination of 13C , an isotope with a nonzero nuclear spin which adds undesirable magnetic noise in the diamond environment.
In-situ nitrogen doping: this system also allows for the controlled incorporation of dopants such as nitrogen for engineering quantum defects such as the nitrogen-vacancy center. By rapidly changing gas flow rates with mass flow controllers, delta-doping can be achieved and a two-dimensional layer of nitrogen grown into the diamond.